KCSL is an accredited multi-site system through Healthy Families America®. We use a nationally recognized, evidence-based early childhood home visiting model designed to work with overburdened families who are at-risk for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) including maltreatment. Healthy Families Kansas™ embodies an infant mental health approach with the belief that early, nurturing relationships are the foundation for lifelong, healthy development.
KCSL’s Healthy Families Kansas™ program provides free, intensive, home-based services and parenting support to qualifying pregnant mothers and parents of children ages 0-3 with certain risk factors. These risk factors include lack of parenting skills, illness, unemployment, a history of ACEs or family abuse and neglect and more. Home visitation specialists provide coaching for positive parent-child interaction, education on infant and child development and developmental screenings, community resource information and other support services.
Our program serves families in 44 counties statewide.