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Create a Legacy for Tomorrow

The KCSL Foundation believes every child deserves a great childhood. The Foundation pursues this belief by building lifelong connections and partnerships with individuals, corporations and foundations to secure, invest and steward private financial support. By working collaboratively with KCSL to expand the base of support to create, repair and restore healthy parent-child relationships, we work to improve prosperity and success of all Kansas communities.

Why Donate to the KCSL Foundation?

Your gift builds sustainable change. KCSL’s work is transformational, improving prosperity and success for all Kansas communities. We invite you to make a difference in the community in which we live, work and play by donating.

A Future to Plan
Play a key role in the future of KCSL and the future of Kansas children and families. Your support helps us secure a tomorrow for children and families in Kansas! All charitable gifts to the KCSL Foundation are 100% tax deductible. KCSL is the sole beneficiary of the KCSL Foundation.

There are so many ways you can make a lasting gift.

Retirement plans & life insurance by beneficiary designation

Donor-advised fund residuals

Stocks/bonds, CDs, bank & brokerage accounts

Bequests, tributes or memorials

Planned Giving Resources

Amplifying Future Impact

Learn how the KCSL Foundation stabilizes KCSL’s future to continue building stronger families and communities.

Learn More

Confirm Your Pledge Today!

Your financial support plays a vital role to help KCSL fulfill its mission. Please complete this commitment form in print.

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Contact Philanthropy Director Jeremy Kindy at (316) 558-8371.