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Free, Professional Training

KCSL provides an extensive range of training topics specifically curated for professionals dedicated to working with children and families. Register for one, or more, of our FREE virtual training sessions! Our committed training team is equipped to deliver any of these trainings directly to your organization, ensuring a personalized and impactful in-person learning experience. To sign up for in-person training, fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Click a category to scroll to that section:

Adverse Childhood Experiences Child Abuse & Neglect Connections Matter Prevention Stronger Families Family Resource Centers

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

ACEs and Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope

2 hours

This training will provide a brief recap of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)  followed by a screening of Resilience, a film that chronicles the promising beginnings of a national movement to prevent childhood trauma, treat toxic stress, and greatly improve the health of future generations. We will end with group discussion on family and community resilience and how we can help support families. This training is the same training as the 60-minute version, except that the video is fully shown in this training and further discussion is provided. This training is approved by KDHE for 2.0 child care licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

An Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences

1 hour

Children who grow up in safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments that foster hope and resilience are better prepared for lifelong health and well-being. The 1998 landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study demonstrated that many adults recall experiences including abuse, neglect, substance abuse and areas of household dysfunction that led to lifelong poor physical and emotional health. Understanding ACEs provides valuable insights, but of equal importance is the ability to consider ways children and families can flourish even in the face of adversity. This training will provide an introduction and overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences research, discuss how ACEs impact child development and the likelihood of developing negative health behaviors. Participants will brainstorm concrete ways to cultivate relationships and environments that create a positive impact for children and families in our communities, which prevent and mitigate adverse childhood experiences. This training is approved by KDHE for 1.0 child care licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

Hope: Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences

1.5 hours

We know the potential effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The question becomes: what can we do? HOPE is transforming the way we can support children’s growth into healthy, resilient adults. This interactive session will discuss the four building blocks of HOPE (Relationships, Environment, Engagement and Emotional Growth) and work to create action steps to help build skills for resilience. This training is approved for 1.0 KDHE childcare licensing hours; certificates of attendance will be provided to all participants.

*All times are Central Time

Child Abuse & Neglect and Special Offerings

Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognition, Reporting & Supporting

1.5 hours

Professionals who work with children, including childcare providers, social workers, nurses, educators and others, are mandated reporters and are required to make a report when they have a reason to suspect child abuse or neglect. This training addresses areas of risk and protective factors, definitions and common indicators of child abuse including shaken baby syndrome, and considerations for distinguishing poverty from neglect. Participants will also learn what to do in the event of a disclosure, how to make a report, what happens after a report is made, and thinking through roles as not just a mandated reporter but also as a supporter of families and how we can support a family before a situation rises to the level of needing a hotline report. This training is KDHE approved for 1.5 hours childcare licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

*NUEVO* Abuso y Negligencia Infantil: Reconocimiento, Reportando y Apoyando

1.5 horas

Profesionales que trabajan con niños/as, incluyendo a proveedores de cuidado infantil, trabajadores/as so-ciales, enfermeros/as, educadores/as y otros individuos que sean reporteros obligatorios y sean requeridos en hacer reportes cuando tienen una razón para sospechar abuso o negligencia infantil. Este entrenamiento aborda áreas de riesgo y factores de protección, definiciones e indicadores de abuso infantil incluyendo sín-drome del bebé sacudido, y las consideraciones de distinguir la pobreza de la negligencia. Participantes también aprenderán qué hacer en caso de una divulgación, cómo hacer un reporte, qué sucede después de que se hace el reporte, y no pensar en su papel solo como reportero obligatorio sino también cómo podemos apoyar a las familias antes de que la situación llegue al nivel de necesitar un reporte a la línea calien-te/directa. Este entrenamiento está aprobado por KDHE para 1.5 horas de licencia de cuidado infantil.

*All times are Central Time

*NEW* Perinatal Substance Use: Recognition, Reporting and Supporting

1.5 Hours

This workshop is intended to build provider capacity and knowledge of best practices in supporting perinatal families impacted by substance use. The perinatal period (pregnancy through 12 months postpartum) can be a complex time for care professionals and the populations they serve. Substance use during the perinatal period can bring up a variety of questions for professionals related to mandated reporting requirements and making appropriate and timely referrals to support services. This training will present an abridged overview of Kansas mandated reporting requirements, especially as they relate to the perinatal population, and review risk factors for abuse and neglect in the perinatal period. Additionally, this training will introduce a newly created perinatal provider workflow, focused on Pregnant Women Using Substances, intended to increase access to treatment and connection to community support services. Participants will learn from case examples taken from the perinatal period and have the opportunity to ask questions of DCF representatives.

*All times are Central Time

Connections Matter

Connections Matter in Early Childhood

4 hours

Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, relationships help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier, stronger community. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve resiliency, prevent childhood trauma and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma. Connections Matter explores how the connections we make in life profoundly impact our brain’s ability to grow and our own abilities to cope and thrive. This is done through a training curriculum that educates participants on Adverse Childhood Experiences, trauma, brain development and resilience. Connections Matter ultimately strives to promote the building of more resilient, compassionate and trauma-informed communities – thus allowing all children and individuals to succeed. This training is pre-approved for 4.0 KDHE childcare licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

Connections Matter in Early Childhood | Two-Part Training

4 hours (Day 1=2 hours; Day 2=2hours)

Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, relationships help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier, stronger community. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve resiliency, prevent childhood trauma and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma. Connections Matter explores how the connections we make in life profoundly impact our brain’s ability to grow and our own abilities to cope and thrive. This is done through a training curriculum that educates participants on adverse childhood experiences, trauma, brain development and resilience. Connections Matter ultimately strives to promote the building of more resilient, compassionate, and trauma-informed communities – thus allowing all children and individuals to succeed. This training is pre-approved for 4.0 KDHE child care licensing hours.

You must attend BOTH DATES in order to receive a certificate. Partial credit cannot be provided. Participants will receive a link to part 2 of the training after attending day 1.


Darkness to Light Stewards of Children® Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

2.5 hours

Stewards of Children® is an evidence-informed prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. It offers practical prevention training with a conversational, real-world approach and covers the following topics: facts about the problem of child sexual abuse; the types of situations in which child sexual abuse might occur; the signs of sexual abuse so that you might intervene and be able to act responsibly; simple, effective strategies for protecting children from sexual abuse; and the importance of talking about the prevention of sexual abuse with children and other adults. This training is approved by KDHE for 2.5 child care licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

Preventing Infant Abuse with the Period of PURPLE Crying®

1 hour

The Period of PURPLE Crying® is the phrase used to describe the peak time when babies cry more often. Infants who cry a lot or are awake and fussy at night are a source of concern for many parents. Because of the normal increase in crying that occurs in the first months of a baby’s life, parents and caregivers usually have questions. Crying is the most frequently reported trigger for why a parent or caregiver would shake a baby. Early prevention education is the key to decreasing the incidence of shaken baby syndrome and infant abuse. The Period of PURPLE Crying® is an evidence-based shaken baby syndrome primary prevention program created by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome. Learn about the Kansas strategy, how PURPLE is being implemented in hospitals and agencies across the state, how the program was selected and the research behind it. This training is geared toward those professionals who are working with families with new babies, whether through childcare, home visitation programs, health departments, clinics, etc. This training is approved by KDHE for 1.0 child care licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

Stronger Families

Making the Connection: Strong Families, Strong Businesses and Strong Communities

1 hour

How do we ensure that children have a safe, stable, nurturing environment in which to grow? One strategy is engaging communities to support family-friendly policy and practice changes. Family-friendly workplaces and a family-friendly society are good for children, parents, and elders; they are in the best interest of employers; and, in the long run, they benefit all communities. Based on the latest research and strategies for preventing child abuse and neglect, this training will raise awareness and understanding about the connections between preventing and mitigating adverse childhood experiences, which lead to stronger families and stronger businesses. Specific examples of actions that can be taken will be provided. NOTE: This training is approved by KDHE for 1.0 childcare licensing hours.

*All times are Central Time

Family Resource Center Certification Courses

Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support Certification | Two-Day Training

12.5 hours (Day 1=6.5 hours; Day 2=6 hours)


The nationally adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support are used by public departments, foundations, networks, community-based organizations and parents as a tool for planning, providing and assessing quality practice. The Standards are based on the Principles of Family Support Practice and the Strengthening Families Framework with its research-based evidence-informed 5 Protective Factors. These Standards establish a common language across different kinds of family programs such as Family Resource Centers, home visiting programs and child development programs.

This certification training details how the Standards can enhance work with families. Whether you are setting up a new program or strengthening an existing one, the Standards provide a blueprint for implementing best practice. Certification in the Standards is the first step in becoming part of the Kansas system of the National Family Support Network, a network of Family Resource Centers and affiliates throughout Kansas who are engaged in working together to provide needed resources for families. KCSL coordinates the Kansas Family Support Network and provides this certification training across the state.

This is a two-day training. You must attend both dates to receive certification. 

*All times are Central Time

Reach Out

Contact KCSL’s training team with questions or to request in-person training. We update our training schedule quarterly. If you’re interested in a training that doesn’t have sessions available, sign up for our email updates or check back next quarter!

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