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Volunteering for KCSL

April 14, 2023

KCSL Volunteer

April 14, 2023

Volunteering with Kansas Children’s Service League (KCSL) is a wonderful way to give back to your community and help build Stronger Families in Kansas. Communities and programs have specific needs, so volunteer opportunities are unique to each area. Volunteer involvement can include technical support and planning for events, general hands-on and group activities, and various leadership and advisory positions. From casual to regular support, volunteers extend and expand our services to children and families in Kansas communities.

We have a wide variety of volunteer positions to accommodate your unique schedule and availability. Some examples of volunteer opportunities at KCSL include: 

Community Leadership & Development Councils:

Community Leadership & Development Councils (CLDCs) are community volunteers who assist local KCSL offices with funding resources and special events for programs.

Advisory Councils:

Advisory Councils are groups of community members with knowledge, expertise or experience that can be used to provide guidance and direction for specific programs or projects at KCSL.

Regular Volunteers:

KCSL always needs regular volunteers to serve in various capacities including: 1-800-CHILDREN phone support, support group help and facilitation, parent leadership opportunities, childcare for events and other agency events. Certain volunteer opportunities require background checks and general onboarding.

Casual Support:

Casual support for KCSL involves intermittent volunteering or being available for special events. Casual support may include addressing envelopes twice a year, event setup and cleanup, community service, and general program support. This volunteering option is ideal for those with busy schedules who want to contribute to KCSL and their local community. Along with casual support, we always welcome donations for children and families.

Corporate or Group Volunteering Activities:

KCSL would be happy to put your employees or organization to work! We have volunteer opportunities available for groups that can range from assembling care packages for children and families, sponsoring family-time events by providing goodies, food, or food service, general care for KCSL facilities, and other one and done activities.

We Love Our Volunteers

The amazing volunteers who contribute to KCSL make our organization’s community impact so much greater. We are thankful for our volunteers and everything they do. Want to make a difference for families and children near you? Reach out today to get started.

Volunteer for KCSL

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Don’t have the time to volunteer but want to make an impact? Consider making a donation to KCSL!